There's never enough time. I often think that, but it's a strange and actually incorrect thought. Time, as far as we know, is infinite. The real problem is that people aren't infinite. The way things are right now, we have a limited amount of time that we are alive, and so much of that limited resource is consumed by the simple act of surviving.
Think about it, for the majority of our lives, how much time we can actually choose what to do with is very limited. We must sleep for an average of 8 hours every day, we must work 8 hours a day five days out of seven, an two or three hours of each day is spent getting read for and getting to and from work, another couple of hours goes into preparing and consuming food. When you add it all up, the reality is that we only have an average of maybe 5 hours a day (including weekends), when we can do what WE want to.
In a lifetime of eighty years, maybe fifty to sixty of those years is taken up simply by survival activities. Doesn't that depress you?
I know I'm ranting, but that's because I had a crappy weekend, didn't sleep well and right now I'm procrastinating at work while trying to keep my head from hitting the keyboard as my body cries out for sleep...
Why we should need so much of this sleep thing is a constant source of frustration to me. I could reclaim twenty-five years of free time if only I didn't need to sleep.
Of course, I'd probably be made to spend that time working...
Oh well!
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