14 June 2007

P365 Jun13: Bubbles!

I'm always looking for interesting things I can photograph in my lounge room. I like things that possess beauty on a small scale, so I can comfortably light and shoot them late in the day for a Project 365 photo. Today I had the idea of photographing bubbles. Here's how I set it up:

I got some air line and an air pump we used to use in our fish tank. You could achieve the same thing with a straw and a deep breath. I filled a small bowl about 1/3 - 1/2 full with dishwashing detergent, and clipped the air hose so that it was at the bottom of the bowl. When I turned on the pump, air bubbled up through the detergent, and after a few minutes I had a bowl almost overflowing with bubbles. I simply put the bowl in my light tent, with my remote flash (you could use any powerful light) outside. I also used my macro extension tubes so I could get super close, but I had to be careful not to get any detergent on my lenses. I'm not sure what effect that would have on the element coatings on the front.

The above images have had the contrast and saturation boosted a litte for effect. I experimented with a white and dark blue background. The green you can see in the shots is the pool of detergent in the bowl. Another experiment to return to and refine in the future!

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