30 September 2006

Award-Winning Photographer

I like how that sounds :) I'd better not use it much though, lest my head get too big for my hat :)

This year, I entered my first photographic competition, with a pair of submissions to the 2006 Royal Melbourne Show arts and crafts competitions. I entered in the categories: Black & White Digital Photo, and Colour Digital Photo. To my surprise, I won both! Even more surprising, upon attending the show myself today, I discovered that my colour image "Fencepost" was chosen as the "Best in Show" of all photography entries! I was totally surprised and incredibly chuffed.

Admittedly there weren't hundreds of entries, probably about 50-70, and the standard wasn't what I would call remarkable. However there were a number of other entries which I liked very much. It is a tremendous honor to be awarded these titles, and it is very heartening and has inspired me to continue with my photography with enthusiasm, and to try entering other competitions.

If you would like to see the two photos, you can find them in my Deviant Art gallery via the following links:

"Fencepost" - Best Colour
"Contrasts" - Best Black & White